Printed in:
"Acadian Recorder," 19 Feb 1820
PANS Film #5196
Obituary of Michael Gordon
DIED: At Windsor, on the 13th instant, after a long illness, in the 74th year of his age, Michael Gordon, Esq., a true and faithful servant to his King and Country since 1775, in which year he commenced serving his majesty in the 17th Light Dragoons, and has since had the honor of holding the office of Dep'y Assistant Com'y General for many years. He has left a widow and seven children to lament the loss of an affectionate husband and indulgent parent. His remains were respectfully interred on the 15th with masonic and military honours."
Microfilm at National
Archives of Canada:
Document No. 9059
Microfilm Reel
Memorial of Alexr Skirvin
private Soldier in the 2nd Battn 84th(?) Regmt
To His Excellency the Commander in Chief
New York, Septm 8, 1783
The Memorial of Alexr Skirvin Humbley showeth
I Alexr Skirvin private Soldier in the 21st(?) Regmt Takin prisoner on the 16th of October 1777 having Remained (?) with Honour till the 7th of July 1779 and then thinking it more Honourable to Endeavor to make my Escape on the 7th of July 1779 I Left Alberamir Barracks in Virginia and the __th of the Same month was taking up at Winchester 100 miles on my Road in that same State ----- That your Mememorist Remained there a prisoner of War till the 20th(?) Of May 1780 ---- thinking the Road Impragnable to New York I indavoured to Join at Fort Detroit in the Western Department which with the Blessing of god I Joined Major Langstone(?) With Some Indians and Canadians at the Ohio River the Beginning of June with Which I Remained till the 10th of August when I was(?) taken on a Scout by the Rebel party of 17 Strong -- there was with me 3 Indian 2 Canadian one American Subject and my Self and Carried to Fort Pitt and sent to Winchester in Virginia from there the Serjt Major Gordon of the 17th Lt. Dragoons accompained me in to New York and arivd 6th of Novr 1780 Being Neir about 15 months Elopemint from the 21st Regmt to the Joining in New York on the arivel of Brig. General Hamilton Major Foster(?) Captn Petrie CaptnLoveland and the rest of the officers there Strong Recomdation ~ His Excellency General Clinton told that my accounts Should be paid after that Bond Sale -- but being Sent to Charlestown Before the money was paid Major Murray(?) Aide camp to General Robertson said that I might Depend upon _____(?)
I hope that your Excellency will Consider as my just Cleames is Sift(?) Before I left New York and Since I have Been in your Excellencys Regmt Ever Since my first Arivel in New York Likewise your Excellency may have an Examination of my Sertifycats and the _______der from My former Regmt to Prove(?) That I have Behaved Always As A Loyal and faithfull Soldier --------------- I hope your Excellency will be pleased to order my Affairs as there is No Unjust Cleames
And your petitioner will Ever pray
Alexr Skirvin Soldier in the 2nd Battn
84th(?) Regmt
Microfilm at PANS:
AO13/19/159-162 - American Loyalist Claims
PANS Reel #14101/Ottawa #B2191
Memorial of Northrup Marple
4 Jan. 1784
[P.159] We the subscribers do hereby Certify that Northrup Marple did assist & help us through Dangers & difficult when making our escapes through New Jersey, from Rebel Captivity, to the British out Posts, in doing of which he lost a new Boat that cost him £20, & part of a Cargo of Fresh Stock to the amount of £25 --
Signed by us this 21st(?-blotted) Septr. 1783
Copy taken of
the Original now
in the Possession of
Northrup Marple
Michael Gordon Serjt Majr 17th Dragoons
Alexndr. Skirvin Soldier in 2nd Battalion of 84th Regiment
Joseph Dixon - 17th Dragoons