From the Revolutionary War Pension File
of Jedediah Hyde #S39759 *

State of Vermont
Orleans County ss.:

On this second day of May Anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighteen before the Subscriber one of the assistant Judges of the County Court within and for said County of Orleans personally appears, Jedediah Hyde aged seventy nine years resident in Hydepark in the County of Orleans aforesaid, who being by me first duly sworn according to law doth, on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress entitled "an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval Service of the United States in the Revolutionary War" that he the said Jedediah was appointed and commissioned by the State of Connecticut in the month of May A.D. 1775 a first Lieut in a company commanded by William Coit, which company was attached to a Regiment commanded by Samuel H. Parsons of the Connecticut Line of Troops and that he served till the January following and was during that term of service in the battle of Bunker Hill that he on the first of January 1776 was appointed and commissioned a captain in a Regiment commanded by Samuel Willis of Hartford in the State of Connecticut in the Connecticut Line of Troops and Continental establishment that he faithfully served his Country till the first of January 1777 during which time he was in the battle of Flat-bush on Long Island and received a wound in the side of his head which apparently deprived him of life, and for which [he] received a pension thro the goodness of his Government of fifteen dollars per month since the year of 1807, which he here now relinquisheth in consideration of an additional pittance under the above act - that he again was appointed and commissioned, on the first of January 1777 a Captain in a Regiment, commanded by Col. John Durky of Norwich in the State of Connecticut of the Connecticut Line of Troops and Continental establishment that he served till the __ day of July 1777, at which time he resigned his commission for military reasons that could not be avoided with honor and immediately was appointed and commissioned a Captain of Marines on board the ship Warren then lying at Providence in the State of Rhode Island carrying thirty two guns, commanded by Capt. John [Hopkins] of Providence, and in ten days after enlisted [sixty] men & put them on board said ship and without injury passed thro the British fleet then at anchor at New-port and arrived save at Boston then left said ship and immediately entered the ship Putnam and continued in the Naval Service of his Country till nearly the close of the war and then left the Service and retired to his wife and children in the State of Connecticut, and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his Country for support; and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his said services except what is herewith transmitted and the said Jedediah hath hereunto set and subscribed his name

/s/Jedh Hyde

Sworn to and declared before me, the day and year aforesaid

/s/Samuel Cooke
asst Judge Orleans County

I Samuel Cook one of the assistant Judges of Orleans Cy Court within and for said County of Orleans do certify that it appears to my Satisfaction that Jedediah Hyde aforesaid did serve in the revolutionary war, as stated in the preceding declaration against the common enemy and I now transmit the proceedings and testimony taken and had before me to the Secretary for the department of War persuant to the directions of the aforementioned act of Congress. I also certify that except for the pension heretofore mentioned the aforesaid Jedediah Hyde is in reduced circumstances and absolutely needs the assistance of his Country for support.

/s/Samuel Cooke
Asst. Judge Orleans County Court

State of Vermont
Orleans County - Irasburgh May

I the Subscriber Clerk of Orleans County Court in the State of Vermont do certify that Samuel Cook Esquire is one of the assistant Judges of said Court legally appointed thereto for the year 1818 and has officiated as such since last December, that his name above subscribed is his own proper signature and that there is no Seal belonging to or established for said [word obscured by seal, probably "Court"] except that hereto affixed.

Att /s/Ira H. Allen
Clerk & Notary Public

--- OOO ---

District of Vermont ss.

at Irasburgh in the County of Orleans On this 2d day of January 1821 personally appeared in open court being a court of record for said district & County being made so by the statute law of the State having a jurisdiction unlimited in point of amount and having the power of fine and imprisonment -- Jedediah Hyde aged seventy two years, resident in Hydepark in said district circuit county or corporation who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows . . . . [there follows a summary of his service record] . . . . And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818; and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner, disposed of my property or any part thereof with the intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the Revolutionary war," passed on the 18th day of March 1818, and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities, contracts, or debts due to me; nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed - The use of a farm during the natural life of the said Jedediah Hyde granted to him by Arunah W. Hyde in consequence of the needy circumstances of his aged Parents, at $30.00 yearly being 100 acres with an old house and Barn thereto, two cows $15.00 one last spring colt at $7.00 one wooden clock $3.00 one old Desk $2.00 one old wooden cart $4.00 one yoke and chains $2.00 one cutter and old harness $6.00 one cheese press $1.00 one saddle & Bridle $4.00 one old side saddle $1.00 one other side saddle $10.00 one harrow $1.00 one pare of fire dogs $1.50 one table $2.00 one fire slice and tongs $1.00 one old Brass kettle $1.00 with sundry other articles of necessary household furniture appraised at $12.13 in the whole I am by occupation a tanner and currier but have been unable to attend to this occupation for years on account of age and debility. My family consists of myself and wife named Elizabeth aged sixty nine unable to labour for her support - /s/Jedediah Hyde

Sworn to and declared on the 2d day of January A.D. 1821 -

/s/Jedh Hyde

I Ira H. Allen clerk of Orleans County do hereby certify that the foregoing oath and the schedule thereto annexed are truly copied from the record of the said court; and I do further certify that it is the opinion of the said court that the total amount in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is one hundred three dollars and sixty three cents - In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Court on this 5 day of January 1821 -

/s/Ira H. Allen
Clerk of the Court of the County of Orleans

Supporting Affidavit of Jedediah Hyde, Jr.


* NOTE: The transcriber has attempted to retain all of the original spelling and punctuation and as much of the original format as possible. Some examples:



Supporting Affidavits

Grand Isle County

I, Jedediah Hyde Junr. of the Town of Grand Isle County & State aforesaid aged fifty seven years do testify and say that I enlisted under Lieut. Jedediah Hyde in Capt. William Coit's Company Connecticut State troops in the year 1775 and that I enlisted under him when a Captain in the year 1776 in Colonel Wyllys Regt. and that I also enlisted under him when a Captain for during the war in Colonel John Durkees Regiment of Connecticut Troops on the Continental establishment and that I am knowing to all the facts set forth in his petition for a pension untill his resignation in the line and his entering into the naval service further the deponent saith not

/s/Jedediah Hyde Junr.
Grand Isle 22nd June 1819

State of Vermont Grand Isle County - Grand Isle June 22nd 1819 Subscribed and sworn to before me and I further certify that the said Individual Hyde Junr is a credible witness

/s/Benj. Adams
Judge of Grand Isle County Court